Update tickets only for specific branches
Reported by Nikhil Gupte | January 30th, 2009 @ 07:04 AM | in bugs
I've got 3 remote branches - master, staging and production.
Due to this, my LH ticket gets duplicate updates - 1st when I push to my remote master, then when I push to staging and then yet again when I push to the production branch.
Is there any way we can associate a branch on which the LH tickets updates should be triggered?
Comments and changes to this ticket
Nikhil Gupte January 30th, 2009 @ 07:21 AM
I managed to use the following work-around in the post-receive hook:
if ref.ends_with?('master') Configuration.load(CONFIG_DIR) TicketUpdate.new(rev_old, rev_new, ref).parse.send_changes end
gwik February 3rd, 2009 @ 10:28 AM
- State changed from new to open
Do you use the merge command to update your stagin and production branches ? If you do it's bug.
The git --first-parent option I use, should garantee that the updates are not replayed when you push a merge.
What git version do you use on the remote ?
Nikhil Gupte February 3rd, 2009 @ 10:37 AM
My git version is 1.6.1 (local and remote)
I have local mater, production and staging branches and the same on remote.
I make changes to master, push to my remote master for my colleagues. Once a bunch of changes are done, I merge local master into my local staging which then I push to my remote staging. Once QA approves of staging, I merge my local staging into my local production and push it to my remote production.
I got around the problem of multiple updates to my LH tickets by only passing the commits on the remote master to the hook.
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